This is the First Column of the website.
| Behold my awesome times table! And I didn't even need to write it out by hand!
1x1=1 | 1x2=2 | 1x3=3 | 1x4=4 | 1x5=5 | 1x6=6 | 2x1=2 | 2x2=4 | 2x3=6 | 2x4=8 | 2x5=10 | 2x6=12 | 3x1=3 | 3x2=6 | 3x3=9 | 3x4=12 | 3x5=15 | 3x6=18 | 4x1=4 | 4x2=8 | 4x3=12 | 4x4=16 | 4x5=20 | 4x6=24 | 5x1=5 | 5x2=10 | 5x3=15 | 5x4=20 | 5x5=25 | 5x6=30 | 6x1=6 | 6x2=12 | 6x3=18 | 6x4=24 | 6x5=30 | 6x6=36 |
| This is the Third Column of the website.